Hypocritical Zuckerberg Caught Blasting ‘Experimental’ Covid Jabs To Inner Circle

Hypocritical Zuckerberg Caught Blasting ‘Experimental’ Covid Jabs To Inner Circle

Caught blasting the Covid-19 jabs to his inner Circle

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been caught blasting the Covid-19 jabs to his inner circle, describing the jabs as “experimental” and warning his staff to be very cautious about the unproven “gene technology.”

Regardless of how you feel about the vaccines, this leaked footage from Facebook headquarters is very relevant.
Anybody saying on Facebook what Zuckerberg says in this video would be immediately censored, canceled and deplatformed.
It’s yet another case of “one rule for thee, and another for me” that the elite use to control the masses.
While Zuckerberg felt compelled to warn his nearest and dearest about the potential dangers of the experimental gene therapy pushed on humanity by government and Big Pharma in the wake of the pandemic, ordinary people like you and me were not allowed to express any doubt about the vaccines on social media without paying the price.

Freedom of speech has been throttled on Facebook and the other major social media platforms in recent years.
Credit to : The People’s Voice

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